Site Development at Kasese

Lighthouse Primary School and Home for Children

Kasese District is one of the fastest-growing regions in the country, yet it faces a poverty rate higher than the national average. As a result, many children in this area lack adequate housing and educational opportunities. Thanks to your generous investment, these children now have access to fertile land that is already yielding crops and will soon benefit from a well-designed, self-sustaining village, supporting their development as the future leaders of Uganda.

In January 2024, we began construction on the 12 acres of land purchased, marking the initial step towards achieving ONE30’s mission of providing secure, Christian homes and enhanced educational facilities for the children of Kasese.

The development is divided into the following phases:

  • Phase 1: This phase includes the construction of the kitchen, drilling for fresh water, two sets of latrines, and a shower house.
  • Phase 2: This phase involves building two dormitory blocks (for boys and girls) and an administrative block that will serve as classrooms.
  • Phase 3: This phase will consist of three additional classroom blocks and landscaping.

Phases 1 and 2 of construction are now complete and we are in the third and final phase of construction for Lighthouse Primary School and Home for Children at Daystar Village. Upon completion of this project, we will have the minimum accommodations required to transition 300 students, currently residing at another location without adequate space and provisions, to this new educational facility and home.

The total projected cost of this project exceeds $500,000. Currently, our generous partners have provided $143,235 of the $500K toward this project! We appreciate your support in creating a lasting legacy for future generations.

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